My research has been mainly funded by these federal agencies and national labs:
- INL: 10+ years of continued support for MOOSE-based applications for
- Fluid flow modeling in RELAP-7
- Neutronic modeling in RattleSNake
- Fuel performance in BISON
- DOE/NNSA: Center for Exascale Radiation Transport
- Adjoint-based sensitivity coefficient methodology
- Load-balancing unstructured grids for massively parallel transport sweeps
- Diffusion-accelerated massively parallel transport sweeps
- DOE/NEUP: NuSTEM (Nuclear Science and Technology for Molten salt reactors)
- DOD/DTRA: Reduced-order models for Nuclear Weapons Effects
- LLNL: Computational Research in Support of Stockpile Stewardship
- And then some more …