Zach Prince (MS+PhD).
Patrick Behne: MOR with ML is even better
Patrick Behne (PhD).
Logan Harbour: ray tracing for transport
Logan Harbour (MS+PhD).
Peter German: MOR is better
Peter German (PhD).
Tarek Ghaddar: LegoLand is not real. Let’s do better
Tarek Ghaddar (MS+PhD).
Marco Delchini: methods for two-phase flows
Marco Delchini (MS+PhD). Marco worked on artificial viscosity methods for fluid flows in various setting: single phase, two phases (using a 7-equation model with Pliq /= Pgas), and coupled radiation hydrodynamics. Artificial viscosity techniques aim at combatting non physical oscillations observed in numerical simulations. These spurious oscillations in the numerical solution are caused by the methods’ inability to reproduce the true entropy production. Marco’s work has led to 5 journal publications.
Marco now works at ORNL.
Joshua Hansel: Bringing FCT to the transport community
Joshua Hansel (MS+PhD). For his MS, Josh worked on subchannel model development in ORNL’s AMP code. For his PhD, we investigated the intriguing work of Flux-Corrected Transport (FCT) and its application to radiation transport. Even though FCT has ‘flux’ and ‘transport’ in its name, it is a technique developed for fluid flow applications, aiming at mitigating spurious oscillations appearing at shock locations. We brought FCT to the transport world, but it was not an easy task! Josh’s work led to 1 journal publication.
Josh is now a staff member at INL, in the MOOSE and RELAP-7 teams.
Mike Hackemack: polygons/polyhedral are fun!
Mike Hackemack (PhD). Mike worked on Sn transport discretizations for arbitrary polygons/polyhedra. We notably extended Adams’ PWLD method to a quadratic serendipity version. Mike also worked on diffusion synthetic acceleration and mesh adaptivity, in direct continuation of the PhD work of Yaqi and Bruno. Mike’s work led to 1 journal publication.
Mike is now staff member at KAPL (naval propulsion lab).
Damien Lebrun-Grandie: are we in contact?
Damien Lebrun-Grandie (PhD). Damien work on contact conditions in tensor mechanic simulations, an important topic for high-fidelity simulations of nuclear fuels. Damien now works ar ORNL.
Peter Maginot: High-order radiative transfer
Peter Maginot (MS+PhD). For his MS, Peter worked on positivity-preserving discretizations of the transport equation (positivity of the solution in important in of itself, but lack thereof can cause serious numerical problems, for instance, in radiative transfer applications). For his PhD, Peter continued working on quadrature-based positivity and developed a high-order in space+time code for radiative transfer. His work led to 3 journal articles.
Peter went on to LLNL, first as a post-doc, then as a staff member. He is now at LANL.