Patrick Behne (PhD).
Transport Sweeps
Tarek Ghaddar: LegoLand is not real. Let’s do better
Tarek Ghaddar (MS+PhD).
Bruno Turcksin: charged particle transport!
Bruno Turcksin (PhD). We extended Yaqi’s work on Diffusion Synthetic Accelerators for Sn transport in bold ways: applying it to highly forward peaked scattering (as found in electron transport) and making it work on arbitrary polyhedral meshes! We published 2 journal articles.
Bruno is now a staff member at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL).
Yaqi Wang: making leaps in radiation transport discretization techniques
Yaqi Wang (MS+PhD). My first PhD student! Back in 2006, we were among the first ones to do mesh adaptivity for Sn transport on unstructured grids, using high-order finite elements. Whoop!!! In addition, we developed a robust and useful diffusion-preconditioned for transport based on discontinuous finite elements. It is used in several radiation transport codes today. We published a total of 7 journal articles (and numerous conference proceedings).
Yaqi was hired as a staff by INL. He is now the lead architect of their neutronics code, RattleSNake, based on the MOOSE multiphysics platform.